5 Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight

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  • 5 Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight

How irritating it gets when you have tried everything but still can’t lose weight? You tried to eat healthily, all the keto diet, you tried fasting, working out, and what not. After doing so many efforts, the weight on the scale doesn’t seem to move even a number down.

While you might be thinking why that extra weight in my body doesn’t shed away and my waistline doesn’t seem to shrink, have a look at these most common reasons people don’t end up losing weight. You will be surprised!


You are stressed

Stress affects an individual in many ways, and so do is eating, exercising, and sleeping habits. Many of you who are trying to lose weight by trying a healthy diet and exercise, also worry about the results. This stress creates hindrance in your journey of losing weight. Stress also affects our cortisol levels which in turn makes it hard to lose weight. So if your diet and exercise routine is stressing you out, try finding an alternative.


You are not getting enough sleep
Most folks out there don’t get the necessary 7-8 hours of sleep every day. It is recommended that for a healthy body and a healthy mind, adequate sleep is much needed. Lack of sleep can make you feel lethargic the next day and ultimately affects your workout routine and diet. You might feel a lack of energy in your body if you don’t get the recommended hours of sleep.




Weekend splurge
Throughout the week you work hard and stick to your diet plan. But what happens to the weekends? At weekends, you tend to binge eat. Unlimited snacking, cocktails, and sugary beverages. All these things add up to your weight and all your hard work is sabotaged.

Be mindful of what you are eating on the weekends too. Instead of just going crazy, try limiting yourselves to a small portion!





Taking liquid calories
When you are trying to lose weight, you might end up gulping juice, lemonade, or ice tea thinking that these drinks don’t add much or they are healthy. But in reality, you are taking in unwanted calories in the form of sugar. Instead, you can opt for non-sugary drinks or coconut water.


Inadequate exercise
Just walking a few miles or moving up your body doesn’t work when it comes to losing much weight. If you are doing this, you need to increase the intensity of your exercise and also the time for which you workout. Keep in mind that you need to work hard to get rid of those love handles or bulging belly.





For more suggestions and consultation, please call on- 6232012342.