What is the role of Nutrition in combating COVID-19 infection?

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  • What is the role of Nutrition in combating COVID-19 infection?

The patients who have undergone Bariatric Surgery in the past three, six or twelve months have a most common query that what diet should be taken to combat COVID-19 infection. According to Dr. Mohit Bhandari, the guidelines and diet plan that is given to you by your surgeon, should be strictly followed after the Bariatric Surgery. Apart from that, there are some important things that need to be taken care of-

Protein intake should be high. Proteins are structural core to fight any kind of infection. You should take nearly 1.5 grams of protein per kg of body weight. For example, 50 kg of body weight would require 75 grams of protein. Along with proteins, you need to take multivitamins that are suggested to you by your doctor.

Consumption of zinc is important not only for bariatric surgery patients, but also for normal people. Zinc forms a protective layer between the virus and mucus membrane of your body. It also has anti viral properties that has been stated in many research papers.

Following the diet plan given to you by your doctor, and taking basic safety measures can help you in combating the novel coronavirus infection. Stick to a healthy lifestyle and intake as many nutritions as you can. For consultation and queries, call on- 6232012342