5 Steps to Sustainable Weight Loss

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There’s a better way to lose weight. And maintain it till the time you wish. These steps will help you avoid running out of motivation and achieve long-lasting weight loss results.

Ensure that you’re ready
It is evident that you want to lose weight, but making up your mind to stick to the weight loss plan is the first step towards shedding those extra pounds. You should be ready to make some sacrifices and commit yourself to a healthy lifestyle which you need to maintain to get the desired results.

So how will you know if you’re ready, and prepared your mind to lose weight?
Take a moment and assess the benefits and sacrifices that you will face during your journey towards weight loss.

Make a list of sacrifices you need to make, and the gains you will get after losing weight. Then assess if you’re ready to make a significant change in your life.

Set realistic goals
The second step is to set realistic weight loss goals. By realistic, we mean the extra kilos you can manage to shed. Lets’ suppose you set a goal of losing 5-10kgs a month, which seems a daunting task to you, you’ll never be able to achieve this goal. First, this goal seems a task; second, this is not a practical one. So make sure you decide what and how many kilos you can lose and make sense to you.

This includes setting long term, and immediate goals too. Also, don’t forget to reward yourself when you get the results, and revise your plans regularly to keep yourself motivated.

Track yourself
Track changes, by keeping a track and becoming more accountable of what you do, you motivate yourself to work hard. Keep track of what you eat in a day, how many calories you intake, and on what intensity you workout. It will enable you to keep a check on your progress, and you will know right away if you skip exercising or stuff your mouth full of junk.

Commit to Move More
No doubt exercise makes it easy to lose weight, but people who like to move more in their routine life are more likely to maintain good weight. Avoid sitting for a long time in one place; instead, keep moving and walking around a bit every hour in a day. If you can’t remember, set alarms to keep you moving.

Make it a habit, as sticking around at one place not only makes you lazy, but it attracts other diseases as well.

Have a long term plan
Congratulations! You have made it to the final step towards weight loss. In this last step, you need to make a long term strategy that you can follow without fail. If any of the diet and exercise is not working for you, go for bariatric or weight loss surgery that can help you to reduce your belly size overall size and eat in small portions throughout the day. This, in turn, aids in weight loss as you feel full in less time.

For more suggestions and consultations, please call on- 62320 12342