Success Story of Transformation Nitin Soni Ahmedabad, Gujarat

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  • Success Story of Transformation Nitin Soni Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Nitin Soni came to know about Bariatric Surgery at Mohak from one of his uncles 4-5 years back. Surprisingly! When Soni went to Mohak to enquire about the bariatric procedure, he was so humbled with the hospitality at the clinic that he immediately signed up for the surgery, unafraid.

Soni reminisces that two years back, he weighed 107 kgs. He used to feel depressed and chained in his skin. The fatigue took a toll on him, stopping him from pursuing his hobbies and especially playing sports. But after his bariatric surgery, Soni rejoices, saying that everything has changed. It has been two years, and now he weighs only 74 kgs. He feels relieved, relaxed and rejuvenated.

He now runs 10 kms, can walk 22 kms and do everything he always wished to. Friends and family who earlier felt sad looking at his physical disabilities to move freely now complement him now and then.

This year he revisited Mohak Bariatrics for his follow-up and mother’s operation. In times of pandemic, when it is natural to worry about hygiene and sanitization, he felt no difference in the treatment and security. Soni expressed his gratitude to Dr. Mohit Bhandari and the team for their guidance, consultation and providing a home-like feeling. “Dr Mohit Bhandari has magic in his hands,” says Soni.

Nitin now parties hard, go out often and wear what he wants. Above all! He feels alive again.