Bariatric Surgery benefits beyond Weight Loss

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  • Bariatric Surgery benefits beyond Weight Loss

Bariatric surgery helps you lose weight significantly. If you manage to sustain this weight loss with a change in lifestyle, there are a number of benefits you can achieve.

The benefits beyond sustained weight loss through bariatric surgery include:

Remission of type 2 diabetes– Bariatric surgery causes long-term remission of type 2 diabetes. The procedure is highly effective for obese patients with type 2 diabetes, allowing almost all patients to remain free of insulin and other medications for at least three years post-surgery.

Better cardiovascular health– Weight loss surgery decreases a person’s risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and peripheral heart disease. Blood pressure and cholesterol levels can return to normal or near-normal after surgery, reducing these risks and improving overall well-being.

Relief from depression– Many obese people feel depressed because of poor body image and social stigma. Even younger people with significant excess weight find it difficult to participate in activities they might otherwise enjoy, leading to social isolation and depression. Losing excess weight can improve emotional health in these patients.

Overcoming sleep apnea– Achieving and sustaining a normal weight range often allows people with sleep apnea to stop using a CPAP machine at bedtime.

Relief in joint pain– Carrying around excessive weight puts a lot of stress on your weight-bearing joints, often causing chronic pain and joint damage. The significant and sustained weight loss that occurs after bariatric surgery relieves the stress on joints and often allows people to stop using pain medications and enjoy much more mobility.

To consult a Bariatric expert, Dr. Mohit Bhandari, call – 9893037790