How does Bariatric Surgery reduce the risk of osteoarthritis?

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  • How does Bariatric Surgery reduce the risk of osteoarthritis?

Bariatric surgery is an innovation in robotics and bariatrics that alters the digestive system to promote weight loss. A BMI above 30 and BMI 25 with the prevalence of type 2 diabetes are considered conditions of obesity that potentially requires bariatric surgery as a long-term solution in both adults and children.

Carrying extra body weight leads to osteoarthritis in several ways, and the more you weigh, the more you are at risk. Increased weight adds tension on the weight-bearing joints, such as your hips and knees. Also, fat tissues produce proteins that can cause damage and harmful inflammation in and around your joints.

Reducing weight can tremendously improve health condition in obese patients. Excessive weight adds additional pressure on joints. Since the patient is rendered helpless to move freely – it also causes the joints to become inflexible and fragile, leading to excessive body pain. To understand the association between bariatric surgery and osteoarthritis, let’s delve deeper into what is osteoarthritis all about.

What is osteoarthritis?
It is the most common form of arthritis – affecting millions of people worldwide. It happens when the protective cartilage in your bones wears down and deteriorates with time. Though it can damage any of your joints- the most common joints are that of the hands, knees, hips and spine.

The damage cannot be reversed, but it can be in control. The best way suggested is to remain active, eat healthily, and take the appropriate treatment that can slow down the progression of the disease. Sadly, obesity takes away from a person the ability to stay active and healthy! That’s why obese people run at a higher risk of developing pains and arthritis. On the other hand- finding an immediate solution to lose weight and some healthy lifestyle changes can lead to progress. What’s quicker and more efficient as bariatric surgery?

The symptoms start early and worsen over time. Early detection can help in better treatment.

  • Pain in the joints during movement.
  • On waking up experiencing joint stiffness.
  • Your joints feel tender and fragile when you put pressure on it.
  • Your joints lose flexibility.
  • Hearing popping and crackling of joints during movements. Or you will hear grating.
  • Extra pieces of bones – feeling like hard lumps might gather around your joints.
  • Soft tissue inflammation.

Bariatric Surgery and Osteoarthritis:
Bariatric surgery is an effective intervention for severe obesity and comorbidities associated with it. Bariatric surgery procedures are harmless- and under proper guidance and consultation, can be performed securely without many post-surgery complications. Losing weight amounts to reducing the stress on the body- thus helps in relieving the patient from arthritis pain.

Suppose you face obesity issues or have osteoarthritis and obesity. In that case, this is the right time to take the first step towards weight loss. You deserve a more agile, healthy, and fulfilling lifestyle- one that’s free of any such crisis. To know more, call us on- 6232012342 and meet an expert now!