Benefits of checking your Body Mass Index

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  • Benefits of checking your Body Mass Index

Let’s understand first what Body Mass Index (BMI) is. You must be doing it for years when you visit the doctor’s clinic without knowing it as well. Sometimes the doctor takes your weight and height. That’s precisely because they want to calculate your BMI. It is the ratio of your weight to height to see if your health is in proportion. Well, with the booming digital era, you can find a BMI calculator online!

So why Body Mass Index calculation is so important? Every individual should fall under the normal BMI range, which is 18.5-24.9. It’s a matter of seconds to go to a BMI calculator online, fill in your height and weight to see where you fall. Being over normal Body Mass Index range indicates that a person is overweight or morbidly obese, which can be a cause of many chronic conditions:

  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Heart Problems
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Musculoskeletal Problems

If you are in the range of 35-39.9, you are considered morbidly obese (deathly fat). This increases the work the heart does, raising blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body. That’s why it is essential to keep a close watch on your health!

You must be wondering what the benefits of calculating BMI are? What will you do once you measure it? Or how will it help you:

  • It enables you to keep track of you are a healthy adult
  • It allows researchers also to examine obesity at a larger scale for better solutions
  • It helps to understand the cause of obesity depending on how often the BMI is fluctuating
  • It helps you take timely treatment.

The bottom line is BMI might not be a perfect tool, but it is better than many. Calculating it through the Body Mass Index calculator online is literally free of cost! Therefore it is widely used to determine the health of an individual.