Is BMI Calculation different for Men, Women and Kids?

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Are you tired of trying to wrap your brain around the calculations of BMI? The journey from ‘Fat’ to ‘Fit’ is full of potholes, roadblocks and confusion. Internet is full of information about the topic yet, nothing seems to make the subject simpler to understand. BMI is one such topic- surrounded by many myths and complexities. Here’s an attempt at making the topic easier to understand.

What is BMI?
BMI- Body Mass Index is a widely used tool to calculate if a person is overweight, underweight or at the ideal weight. BMI is a simple calculation that requires a person’s height and weight. The results are then compared with a standard chart that identifies a person as underweight, overweight or at a healthy weight.

Why is BMI Important?
Knowing your BMI is the key to identifying and treating underlying health problems. The standard healthy BMI range is 18.5-24.9. A BMI below 18 identifies a person as ‘underweight’. It indicates the individual is malnourished, deficient or even anaemic. A BMI score of 24.9 to 29.9 is the overweight zone and, losing weight is recommended. However, a BMI above 30 is obese and could be fatal.

BMI calculation for Women
When it comes to women, their body shape and height also matter a lot. This determines how the fat gets stored in the body. In most cases, women tend to be shorter than men and hence the BMI range for women is slightly different from men.

BMI calculation for Men
While we talk about the BMI calculation for men, age may play a distinct factor in the calculation. An older man has a great chance of having a higher BMI. It happens because as you grow old, you store more fat and begin to lose muscle.

BMI calculation for Children and Teenagers
The calculation of BMI differs for children and teenagers from the one for adults. It is also referred to as BMI-for-age. This BMI calculation also considers age and gender along with the weight and height of an individual. The reason for the practice is the rapid and continuous changes happening in the body during the ages of 2-20. The tool is specific for the said age group and is calculated in percentile. The 5th to 85th percentile in the BMI graph is a healthy range.

In conclusion, BMI is only useful to identify your ideal weight. It is not accurate and does not consider overall body composition. Understand the composition of your body and learn how to stay at your best health from our experts at Mohak. Check your BMI online now.