Childhood Obesity: Causes, Implications, and Preventions

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  • Childhood Obesity: Causes, Implications, and Preventions

Childhood obesity is increasing at a hasty rate in India, obviously due to unhealthy eating habits, a sedentary lifestyle, and increased screen time. Remember the days when children used to go out and play outdoor games? Sad that the scenario has changed and children nowadays like to stay indoors with their virtual friends and prefer to play PUBG instead of Kho-Kho or Hide and Seek.

Childhood obesity is a serious and complex health concern. It occurs when a child has a weight more than his normal or healthy weight. Excess weight that is more than his age and height contributes to childhood obesity. Genetics and community choices are also one of the main reasons behind childhood obesity.


  • Consuming a high-calorie diet
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Increased screen time
  • Lack of proper sleep
  • Not getting enough physical activity
  • Increased beverages intake
  • Junk Food


Children who are overweight and suffering from childhood obesity are more likely to develop-

  • High blood pressure and high cholesterol problems
  • Risk of cardiovascular diseases at an early age
  • Asthma
  • Sleep apnea
  • Breathing issues
  • Incorrect posture
  • Joint problems
  • Type-2 Diabetes
  • Low self-esteem and low self-confidence
  • Anxiety and stress issues
  • Hypertension

Preventions (tips for parents)-

  • Focus on healthy meals and snacks. Develop a healthy meal plan and stick to it. Make sure that every member of your family follows a healthy diet plan as children tend to learn from their surroundings only. They will follow you.
  • Get involved in some kind of physical activity daily with your kids. It can be simply playing a game of football, walking around, or skipping a rope.
  • Limit the screen time of your children. Set a time. It can be one hour or two in a day. Sit with your children and watch their favorite show and have fun with them. So, they enjoy their time at the most.
  • Educate your children about nutrition and its importance. Encourage them to try a variety of healthy foods and figure out what they like.

Childhood obesity, if identified earlier, can be prevented. But if it reaches a stage when it gets uncontrolled and exercises, diet doesn’t work for your children, Bariatric Surgery comes to the rescue.

It is a weight-loss procedure that aims to reduce the size of the stomach so that a patient eats less. Bariatric Surgery gives permanent results, and it is a proven and effective method of weight loss.

For any further consultation and suggestions, please call on- 6232012342