Childhood Obesity- Diagnosis and Treatment

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  • Childhood Obesity- Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosis of childhood obesity is essential at an early stage. If your child is a victim of obesity and gaining more and more weight, it is time to consult an expert. Timely diagnosis and treatment is a must to avoid any future complications.

The diagnosis includes finding the BMI of your child. The doctor will calculate the BMI and will tell you whether your child comes under the obese/overweight category. The BMI of 25 and above generally indicates obesity.

Apart from calculating BMI, your doctor will also evaluate the following things-

Any previous medical conditions
Family history of obesity and related problems, such as diabetes and high blood pressure
Your child’s activity status
Overall health condition of your child
Your child’s eating habits
Sleep apnea condition, or any psychological issues like depression, feeling isolated and others

If the BMI indicates your child is obese, the doctor might also suggest for blood tests. These tests might include-

A blood sugar test
A cholesterol test
Vitamin D deficiency test
Hormone imbalance test

The primary treatment for childhood obesity is making lifestyle changes which include changing your child’s eating habits and physical activity level. Encourage your child to involve in outdoor games more as compared to indoor ones. Pack healthy snacks in tiffin and minimise consumption of processed foods as much as possible. However, after a particular stage, diet and exercise don’t work for obesity. Medications and weight loss surgery becomes the only option.

Weight loss surgery or Bariatric surgery is an ideal option as it aims to give maximum benefits in the minimum time. According to research, adolescents who go through bariatric surgery, get excellent results in weight loss and lead a healthy life post-surgery. Dr. Mohit Bhandari has performed bariatric surgery on a 6-year-old boy in 2013, the youngest person on record to receive such surgery in India.

To book an appointment with Dr. Mohit Bhandari for consultation on weight loss surgery, please call on- 6232012342