Childhood Obesity Treatment in Summer

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  • Childhood Obesity Treatment in Summer

imageChildren are most likely to gain weight in summers. Inactivity, disturbance in routine life and excessive intake of sugary beverages are major reasons of weight gain. It is also observed that screen time (time spent in watching TV, playing video games or on computer/mobile) and binge eating is increased to a certain level during summers. These things significantly contribute in weight gain of a child. So this is the time when parents should be alert and precautious to keep their child fit and fine.

Problems that an overweight child faces during summer –

  • Excessive sweating
  • Early tiring
  • Skin diseases
  • Increased chances of depression due to inability to play like other kids
  • Imbalance in sugar and salt balance in body
  • Probability of gaining more weight
  • Eating disorders

Why summer is the right time for treatment of Obesity for Children –

  • It is the time when they are having school holidays
  • They get enough time to recover from a surgery
  • Good time to set up a new healthy lifestyle as per the instructions of dieticians and physiotherapists
  • Surgery can be easily kept as a secret of holidays
  • Child would get the time to deal with mental and emotional changes

Is Bariatric Surgery safe for Children?

Bariatric Surgery is completely safe. Dr. Mohit Bhandari has performed bariatric surgery on a 6-year-old boy in 2013, the youngest person on record to receive such surgery in India. There are few points that should be taken care –

  • Choose an experienced Bariatric Surgeon for Children
  • Train your child’s mind before surgery
  • Check the amenities available at Hospital for emergency
  • Meet the Team of Surgeon, Dietician & Physiotherapist
  • Work on psychological part post surgery
  • Embrace new & healthy lifestyle at Home
  • Learn to prepare healthier and interesting food

Considering the child’s safety and intricacies, Mohak Bariatric & Robotics is the only center that offers special services for child, before and after bariatric surgery –

  • Special Child Nutritionist & Weight Care Clinic
  • Child Psychologist for Better Understanding
  • Separate Bariatric Team & Paediatricians for Adolescent Care
  • Support Team for Post Surgery Care of Adolescents
  • Continuous Growth Monitoring throughout the Weight Loss Journey