Choose the right treatment for your weight issue!

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choose the right treatment for your weight issue

Sanity and moral obligation of every surgeon lies in guiding a patient for the right treatment for his/ her disease.

Medical science is full of diversified treatment options across the orb for a single disease. Claimants of obesity cure are immense. Most of them are superficial and lacking in basics of this altered body physiology. The catch 22 situation herein lies with those who suffer from morbid obesity; as they are the ones whose organ systems are at greater risk of suffering damages out of morbid obesity.

Liposuction versus Bariatric surgery for weight loss in morbidly obese has been made a bone of contention for a long time now which is very ironical.
Liposuction abdominoplasty done by plastic surgeons is not a weight loss surgery, and neither it is advocated for weight loss, type 2 diabetes or co-morbidity treatment.

It is basically a surface surgery meant for touching up effect or fine tuning in normal weight or mildly obese individuals.
Morbid obesity is a conglomerate of complicated disease where an individual suffers from metabolic syndrome with a BMI greater than 30 and active diseases.

It is a recalcitrant ailment. Patients who suffer from it are afflicted by multiple medical, physical, psychological and societal issues.
They are in search of an empathic ear that can understand their morbidity and altered physiology. They seek attention with a lot of promise.

As per the Asian set of guidelines, any patient with a BMI of 32.5 along with a co-morbidity like type 2 diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea , PCOD, hypothyroidism is the correct candidate for a Bariatric procedure. Those with a BMI more than 34 without co-morbidity are also candidates for Bariatric Surgery.

Asian set of guidelines gives Bariatric surgeons a freedom to operate upon Lower BMI diabetic patients as Asians are at risk of developing dangerous complications of type 2 diabetes at lower BMI as compared to Caucasians. These subsets of patient will never benefit out of a liposuction.

If your body mass index is more than 30 and you suffer from any one of the disease – type 2 diabetes, hypertension, snoring, coronary artery disease, hypercholesterolemia, arthritis then do consider visiting a metabolic clinic for opinion on Bariatric/Metabolic surgery.