Does Bariatric Surgery Improve the condition of Asthma in Obese People?

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  • Does Bariatric Surgery Improve the condition of Asthma in Obese People?

Obesity is a widespread crisis – that has almost assailed the whole world, making it a public emergency. Various obesity-related comorbidities such as cardiovascular disorders and type 2 diabetes affect people around the globe. Asthma can be said to be one of them. Obesity increases the risk factor for asthma and also the severity of already existing asthma. This is what obesity does to make asthma worse:

  • More frequent and more severe symptoms and exacerbation.
  • Obesity reduces the responsiveness towards asthma medications.
  • Decreased life quality and agility.
  • Adverse changes in lung functions like reducing tidal volume.
  • Increased adipose tissue inflammation.
  • Metabolic dysfunctions.
  • Airway narrowing.

Obesity and Asthma risks in Children:

Many epidemiological studies have shown that obesity increase asthma severity in children. This is due to an increase in adiposity in obese children. Other findings also suggest that this is not only solely related to a child’s obesity. Inflammation and other changes during pregnancy or pre-natal life, maternal obesity and weight gain during pregnancy are all independently associated with 15-30% increased risk of asthma in the offspring.

Obesity and Asthma risks in adults:

The relationship between obesity and asthma in adults has dramatically changed the demographics. This is seen more in obese women as compared to men. It is double in the case of obese women compared to those who don’t suffer from the condition.

Losing weight to control asthma risk and severity is the only way to go for obese adults and children. While lifestyle changes can foster weight loss, it might not be the long-term solution that’s needed. Here comes into play the innovation in robotics and bariatrics- bariatric surgery. To understand the association of and bariatric surgery and asthma risk factor mitigation, let’s first get an overview of what is bariatric surgery and how does it work:

What is bariatric surgery:

Bariatric surgery is an innovation in robotics and bariatrics that alters the digestive system to promote weight loss. A BMI above 30 and BMI 25 with the prevalence of type 2 diabetes are considered conditions of obesity that potentially requires bariatric surgery as a long-term solution in both adults and children.

Bariatric surgery restricts the amount of food the stomach can hold by different bariatric procedures. This causes malabsorption of nutrients or both malabsorption and gastric restriction. Most of the procedures are done by minimally invasive technique (laparoscopic procedures).

In simple words, bariatric surgery is done to shed off excess weight baggage from the body and to reduce the risk of potential obesity-associated life-threatening diseases. The most common bariatric surgery procedures include- sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, adjustable gastric band, duodenal switch and biliopancreatic diversion.

Bariatric surgery and asthma risk reduction:

Studies have shown a close association between bariatric surgery and asthma risk reduction. They show that post three months of intervention, there are significant changes in lung functions. Improving the:

  • Forced Respiratory Volume (how much air can someone exhale during an involuntary breath) in 1 s by 12%.
  • Forced Vital Capacity (the amount of breath that can be forcibly exhaled from someone’s lungs after breathing in the deepest breath) improved by 9%.
  • Peak expiratory Flow (maximum speed of expiration) improved by 15%.
  • Forced Expiratory Volume enhanced by 25–75%.

Bariatric surgery also leads to reduced inflammation and obstruction in the airways. It reduced the number of mast cells in the airway. In some recent studies, it was seen that post-surgery, the use of asthma inhalers reduced by around 15%.

Apart from the association between bariatric surgery and asthma risk reduction, there are some other advantages that one must know.


  • It very safe and requires making a few positive lifestyle changes
  • Restricts the amount of food consumption and fosters appetite control
  • Helps in significant long-term weight loss (about 60 to 80 percent excessive weight shed)
  • Complete remission of type 2 diabetes in most cases:
    It leads to complete elimination of type 2 diabetes in most patients – making them insulin-free and other associated medication for at least three years.
  • Improved cardiovascular health
    It reduces the risks of cardiovascular disorders such as stroke, coronary heart disease and peripheral heart disease.
  • Relief from depression
    Obesity comes with low self-esteem, negative body image and social stigma. Therefore, losing weight positively affects emotional weight. Patients have seen around a 16.5% decrease in depression 6-12 months post-surgery.
  • Eliminates sleep apnea
    Around 85% of patients have experienced complete remission within a year of the surgery.
  • Relief from joint pain due to reduced pressure on the joints, letting people enjoy more mobility.
  • Improves fertility in both men and women
    It reduced PCOS condition, fosters a regular menstrual cycle, ovulation, and reduced the risk of miscarriages during childbearing years. In males, it increases sperm quality and motility- essential factors for fertility.
  • Reduces the risk of other obesity-related comorbidities

If you face obesity issues or are asthmatic and obese, this is the right time to take the first step towards weight loss. You deserve a more agile, healthy, and fulfilling lifestyle- one that’s free of any such crisis. To know more, call us on- 6232012342 and meet an expert now!