Does High BMI Affect your Bone Health?

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  • Does High BMI Affect your Bone Health?

Obesity is detrimental to your entire body. In the long run, one of its target areas is Orthopedic health. It reduces your bone strength and puts your skeletal system at an increased risk of frequent injuries.

Age no bar

A higher BMI than average puts you at risk of visceral adiposity. Young women with more fat content may suffer from altered bone formation and stiffness with a decline in bone formation. Osteoarthritis is also something that might affect your mobility regardless of your age. It affects your body from hands and knees to hips and spine.

Boney situation!

When your weight is above the average count, it affects your bone density. Since our bones renew each other by generating cells, excess fat affects their productivity and, thus, leads to degraded bone density.

Not the end

If you are suffering from obesity, this is not just the end. The good news is that your body can still go back to normalcy once your body comes back to normal body weight. Most of the disorders caused by obesity can return to normal when your body regains its strength.

Your bones are the framework of your body that supports the whole physical function. Choose to change it today. Talk to an expert and find the solution for obesity, which will solve most of your health woes.

Give us a call at 62320 12342 for more.