Top Frequently Asked Questions about Post Bariatric Surgery Lifestyle

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  • Top Frequently Asked Questions about Post Bariatric Surgery Lifestyle

Bariatric Surgery is a metabolic surgery and thus, involves a complete change in lifestyle. There is lot of information available to people on search engines but that causes more confusion. So here we are sharing answers of the most commonly asked questions about bariatric surgery. It is important for people who are planning for going through Bariatric Surgery to understand the changes that come in lifestyle, and also for the post bariatric surgery patients who have to follow this for a healthy and successful weight loss journey. Go through the FAQs to clear your doubts –

Question #1: Does stomach stretch out after few years of surgery again?


Stomach can stretch if patient starts eating big portion of meal in one time. If portion is small and 2-3 hours gap is maintained in every meal, then, stomach never stretches. Ring placed in Sleeve Gastrectomy can reduce the possibility of eating big portion and thus, it reduces the chances of stretching the stomach pouch.

Question#2: Should I avoid carbonation?


Carbonation causes bloating, discomfort and abdominal distension. Carbonation can also place added stress on incision site which can interfere the healing process during the initial phase of surgery.

Question #3: Am I not allowed to drink from a straw after surgery?


The motive behind why the use of straws or chewing gum is not permitted is that air can get into your new stomach pouch. It doesn’t appear to be destructive until the point that you have awfully painful air bubbles in your bag and have to wait for them to rise or fall.

Question #4: Does drinking soda causes dumping syndrome?


If patient had gastric bypass, eating and drinking anything with high sugar content can lead to dumping syndrome. Non-diet sodas and other sugary beverages are full of empty calories which can also slow down the weight loss efforts.

Question #5: Shall I eat small amounts of food only?


After bariatric surgery stomach get smaller than before, so it changes the way your body handles the food you eat. Patients eat less food, and body does not absorb all calories from food. Meal should be nutritious and easily digestible with small portion size.

Question #6: Can I eat and drink at the same time?


Do not drink anything while eating. The liquids will fill you up and this may keep you from eating enough healthy food which is already very small portion after bariatric surgery.

Question#7: Do I have to eat protein first for every meal?


Protein rich food helps in faster recovery after surgery and gives healthy weight loss. Protein also gives the feeling of fullness and controls appetite.

Understanding the changes in lifestyle post bariatric surgery is a must. We provide our patients with a full understanding throughout the entire weight loss surgery process. Drop your queries in the comment below and we will answer them. Or Contact us to learn more!