Fibres You Should Eat After Bariatric Surgery

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  • Fibres You Should Eat After Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery is your body’s ultimate change to improve things toward a healthy lifestyle. The procedure brings changes to your body. It would be best if you also made specific changes externally when your body goes through these transformations. One of these changes is a change in your diet. Including fibre in your plate is essential. Here are fibres you should include post-Bariatric surgery.

Whole grains
Natural whole grains are the best source of fibre. Including these in your diet gradually helps you ease your bowel movements post-procedure. However, it is much more important to calculate the number of servings taken.

Protein first
The first thing you would be advised is to increase your protein intake. A good amount of fibre in your diet is essential to process these proteins properly. It should be preferred to consume fresh fruits instead of juices. Take in the least possible processed foods to keep your system healthy. Keep in touch with your expert to know more about fibres and dietary consumption.

Legumes and cereals
Consumption of nutritious food is going to be necessary after Bariatric surgery. Including legumes, pulses and cereals will help you complete your nutrition and balance your fibre intake. Legumes and grains are both excellent sources of fibre and protein.

Before the surgery, your expert will guide you on what to eat and avoid. Constipation is prevalent after Bariatric surgery for the first few weeks. Fibre intake also eases that issue and helps your body regulate bowel movements. However, refrain from a sudden increase as it may cause bloating. Add it to your meals at different points of the day instead of once to keep your system smooth.

For more information on the diet after bariatric surgery, click here