Exercise Tips for Weight Loss Surgery Patients

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  • Exercise Tips for Weight Loss Surgery Patients

After bariatric surgery, it is important for patients to follow the exercise routine as it helps in regaining the strength, tightening the muscles, building the stamina and losing the weight further. Follow the instructions given by physiotherapist and check out the post weight loss surgery exercise tips to keep the routine maintained for a long run.

Talk to your doctor & physiotherapist
Stay in touch with the doctor and physiotherapist and follow their suggestions throughout the weight loss journey.

Take it slow
Follow the instructions of doctors and don’t take stress. Don’t try to speed up the process by extensive workout. Increase it gradually.

Have fun
Enjoy the process of transformation. Have fun during exercising. Make it interesting by playing your favourite sound tracks.

Get the gear
Buy a workout gear that can motivate you for exercising and can help in speeding up the process. It also helps in breaking the monotony.

Focus on building strength
Initially focus on building strength. Once you develop the endurance, you can stretch your limit and push yourself for better results.

Change it up
Try different workout forms with doctor’s consultation like yoga, walk, cycling, aerobics, zumba, pilate, etc. Don’t stick to one as it becomes boring after certain time.

Set clear goals
Goal is the only source of motivation in weight loss journey. Either bring a dress that you would like to wear after losing weight and hang it somewhere at a visible place. Or you can also create a weight calendar.

We wish you all the best for your weight loss journey. Keep enjoying the workout and whenever you get bored with it, just read this blog once more. To consult a bariatric surgeon, click here.