Diabetes Surgery : A Modern Approach to Curing the Disease

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  • Diabetes Surgery : A Modern Approach to Curing the Disease

Diabetes is typically a non-reversible health condition, especially when it has progressed to later stages. Patients with diabetes are required to be on constant medication to ensure that their blood-sugar levels are normal, in order to prevent further conditions from surfacing. Moreover, a major part of diabetes treatment involves maintaining a healthy weight, which is most often than not, quite difficult with metabolic and lifestyle conditions hindering patients from losing weight. Diabetes bariatric surgery is incredibly helpful in keeping blood sugar levels low and cutting-down weight, which has proven to alleviate numerous issues associated with diabetes and allow for normalized blood-sugar levels to be maintained. Here is what you should know about diabetes surgery.

diabetes surgery in mumbai

What is diabetes surgery in India?

Diabetes bypass surgery or gastric bypass surgery is a great method that allows for healthier weight and lower blood sugar levels. During the surgery, the surgeon divides the stomach into an upper pouch which is smaller in size, and a lower pouch which is much larger. The small intestine is connected to both the pouches, but more to the lower pouch. The effects of this procedure are that the food only reaches the smaller pouch and bypasses the top of the small intestine, making you feel full faster while absorbing lesser nutrients from the food you eat.

How does bypass surgery work for diabetes?

There are several ways in which gastric or diabetes surgery cures many people of the condition, or allows for improvement of the condition:

  • Makes people feel full and eat less, cutting weight by almost 60-70% after diabetes surgery recovery.
  • Lowers blood sugar levels by allowing for less absorption of nutrients from food.
  • Reduces the dosage of medication required.
  • Minimizes the risk of further health risks such as heart disease, etc.
  • Can even eliminate diabetes and restore blood-sugar levels to normal
  • Eliminates the need for medication in many cases
  • Controls excess weight, which further has its own set of risks

Benefits vs risks of diabetes surgery

Diabetes is a major contributor to further heart and kidney conditions and has even proved to be fatal in a majority of cases. Obesity has also proven to result in diabetes. Bariatric surgery helps reduce weight and reduce blood-sugar levels greatly. While Bariatric Surgery has certain risks, especially when the strict diet and instructions are followed post recovery, the risks of diabetes are much more severe. The long-time risks of diabetes and obesity far outweigh the risks of Bariatric Surgery, which are controllable, making it a preferred mode of treatment for numerous patients suffering from diabetes.

Like all surgeries, it is essential to have a clear understanding of what diabetes bariatric surgery entails before actually opting for it. If you have been suffering from Type 2 diabetes and obesity, and wish to opt for necessary treatment, Dr. Mohit Bhandari is your answer. The top Bariatric surgeon in Mumbai, he has years of experience in conducting successful surgeries, giving most patients the highest chance of a positive outcome. Make sure to consult him to get any further questions answered.