Mrs. Laadkuwar and her Bariatric Surgery Success Story

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  • Mrs. Laadkuwar and her Bariatric Surgery Success Story

Before April 2015, Mrs Laadkuwar had a difficult life. Hailing from a small town called Bhiwadi and being a homemaker and cook, she had a lot of responsibility that she failed to fulfil since she was obese. Her weight touched a 121 kgs mark, and even sitting and getting up repeatedly was a task for her. For months she didn’t see the upper floor of her house. Such is the curse of obesity. We at Mohak come across many patients who are obesity-ridden and sacrifice on essentials of day-to-day life because of this physical obstruction. That eventually also becomes a mental barrier. Bariatric surgery at Mohak gave a new life to Mrs Laadkuwar- she is now 64 kgs, and this is her journey.

The whole family was suffering seeing Mrs Laadkuwar living a tough life. Her blood pressure fluctuated often, she had uncanny sleeping patterns, and she could not even walk much. Looking at others who lived a relatively healthy life made her regret her living. Even sitting and doing routine household chores became difficult. She used to doze off without realizing it. During her daughter’s marriage, she could not be an active part of her wedding rituals and wear what she wanted.

Getting out of the home came as a significant obstacle to her. Once to challenge her situation, she decided to go to Kedarnath and Vaishnodevi for a trip in a group of 25-30 people- but there too, she felt she is highly dependent on others to move around. She also faced oxygen deficiency.

Seeing such a painful physical condition- she decided to go to Indore for bariatric surgery at Mohak Bariatrics. Something was needed to be done. In only a few months post-surgery, she lost 30 kgs, and eventually 24 more. Now she says she can freely play with her granddaughter- can even dance with her! Even her daughter and husband extend their gratitude and happiness towards seeing Mrs. Laadkuwar getting back to normal. They said at the end, no efforts reaped benefits, no exercise, herbal pills, methods worked but bariatric surgery.

She reminisces the time when she got married. She was only 65 kgs then. She was happily married to a lawyer. She had a different and joyful life. Now she has earned that life back- it feels like a new birth, like she is young and just married.

Watch her Bariatric Surgery Success Story video below: