List of foods to avoid after weight loss surgery

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  • List of foods to avoid after weight loss surgery

Bariatric surgery, also commonly called weight-loss surgery, is performed on obese patients whose grave health condition cannot be solved by traditional methods. Such as healthy eating and everyday exercise. Bariatric surgery reduces the stomach’s capacity to hold food through various procedures, leading to weight reduction. Though there are nearly no side effects of this incredible advancement in medical science- adopting a thorough aftercare post-bariatric surgery can take you a long way. Minor lifestyle changes and knowing what foods to avoid can help you reap maximum benefits.

So well, a post-dietary guideline will be given to you by your medical professional, looking at various factors post-surgery. They’ll tell you what to eat. But what one can know for sure is what to avoid post-bariatric surgery. Many patients fall into the trap of thinking- that once bariatric surgery is done, they can start eating unhealthy and junk! But let’s say no-no to what makes our condition and health worse. On the other hand, thinking that all sorts of foods are off for life is also a wrong notion. Only a healthy balance is required.

Avoid these food items post-bariatric surgery:

Food with empty calories:
Since your stomach becomes egg-sized after bariatric surgery- it’s essential to provide it with all the necessary nutrients. That’s avoiding foods like pastries, sweets, popcorn, rice cakes, chips and more that adds near to no nutritional value in your body. Leaving you under-nourished and causing “dumping syndrome.” Which can lead to vomiting, nausea, weakness, diarrhoea.

Booze is high in calories, and like other liquids, it occupies space in your stomach. A room that’s even more precious post-bariatric surgery and shall be packed with vitamins and minerals. Also, alcohol absorption increases after surgery which can increase intoxication.

Dry Foods:
Avoid food such as granola and nuts that are difficult to swallow and dries your mouth. Since you’ll be avoiding drinking liquid along with solid food, observe this aftercare at least the first phase post-bariatric surgery. As your body heals, you might be able to eat them.

Bread, Pasta, Rice:
Since these are starchy foods, they form a thick paste in the throat that can be difficult to swallow without liquid. Sometimes they can block the hole in your new stomach. You don’t have to reject them but avoid them, at least in the beginning. If you choose to eat them, the portion has to be minor, and bites need to be small.

Avoid hard to digest fibrous vegetables. Only eat the ones that are a combo pack of nutrition and fibre.

High-fat food
They are not suitable for the long-term success of your bariatric surgery. They can make you feel nauseous quickly, again leading to dumping syndrome- where food just gets dumped into your colon.

Sugary and Caffeinated Drinks
Avoid sugary juices, sodas, caffeinated drinks post-bariatric surgery since they decrease digestion and increases the risk of dumping syndrome. And especially caffeine leads to dehydration; it can make healing difficult.

Tough Meat
Chewing your food well is very important. The more you chew, the easier it is to digest. Choose meat without fat or gristle, so you only consume protein.

What works for you might not work for others post-bariatric surgery, even when you had the surgery at the same time as them. Everyone’s body is different, and so is everyone’s journey and experience. Choose a diet regime under medical vigilance in your most enjoyable aftercare plan. And avoid what needs to be avoided. You can talk to an expert here 6232012342 for consultation and understanding.