Connection Between Kidney Disease and Obesity

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  • Connection Between Kidney Disease and Obesity

Obesity is the root cause of many disorders and hormonal imbalances, one of which is kidney-related disorders. Some common co-morbidities of obesity are Diabetes type-2, Hypertension and Cardiac issues. You might also notice reduced mobility, less stamina and rapid fatigue when it comes to lifestyle experiences.

Connection with the digestive system
A significant part of your body functions is compromised by excess fat. The digestive tract is one of the systems that gets affected and affects the load on the kidney and liver. The more the body mass index, the more efforts your body has to make to run its functions. This increases your chance of albuminuria.

Metabolic health
Obesity also affects the way your body processes food and nutrition. You need a healthy metabolism to keep your system in balance. How your body reacts to food is how your system maintains itself. Any abnormalities in your diet can directly affect your kidneys. Choose change and help it with a better lifestyle.

Obesity and Chronic Kidney Disorders
When you are overweight, your body exerts a load on its organs to function, and such imbalances create permanent conditions that are only relievable after weight loss. Insulin imbalance that causes Diabetes also affects Kidney function. The chances of getting acute kidney injury also rise, which may be cured with the underlying condition, obesity.

Take one step that your body will always thank you for and make that one positive change in retrograde effect. Bariatric surgery is a sure-shot way to reduce weight and its harmful effects. As you lose weight, your overall health becomes better.

Contact us at 6232012342 for a healthier and fitter life today.