Most Effective Bariatric Surgery Procedures

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  • Most Effective Bariatric Surgery Procedures

Bariatric surgery is nothing but a metabolic surgery and it is completely individual specific. Obesity is not just a single disease, it is usually associated with comorbidities and thus, no patient can choose the exact bariatric procedure without meeting a bariatric expert. But here are some most common and effective bariatric procedures illustrated below to help you get the insights –

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy – This is the most common bariatric procedure and is done just in an hour’s duration. Stapling device is used to create a small pouch of about 120cc in size. The remaining stomach is removed from the naval incision. Gastrointestinal tract is kept unaltered in this procedure. Patients also go through leak test before the completion of this procedure. Since stomach size is dramatically reduced after laparsoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, capacity to eat reduces and thus, weight loss happens eventually.

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass – This is mixed procedure that has both restrictive and malabsorptive effect involved for weight loss. Small pouch is created by stapling and intestine is connected to the pouch and rerouted. Food bypasses the lower stomach, the first segment of the small intestine (duodenum) and part of the second (jejunum). Stomach is directly connected to lower segment of the small intestine to bypass portions of the digestive tract that absorb calories and nutrients. Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass procedure is very effective and patients usually lose on an average 77% of excess body weight in just one year after bariatric surgery.

Mini Gastric Bypass – This procedure is done in two steps. The first part of the mini gastric bypass surgery involves creation of small tube of stomach by stapling. It is like creation of a new pouch. This ensures the limited intake of food at any point of time. In the second part, the surgeon brings up a loop of bowel (about 200-300cm long) and attaches it to the lower part of the newly created stomach pouch. Thus, fewer calories get absorbed to make the process of malabsorption effective.

Single Incision Lap Sleeve – SILS is the best procedure for those who want to keep the truth of weight loss surgery a secret. The biggest difference between laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy & SILS is the single incision through the belly button that is used to perform complete procedure. It has lot many added benefits like less recovery time, reduced postoperative pain, visually scarless surgery & less invasive. Preferable for youth.

Banded Gastric Bypass – Banded Gastric Bypass is an extension in a Gastric Bypass where a non-adjustable ring is placed around the stomach pouch to give further restriction to food intake, thus, resulting in better weight loss and less chances of weight regain.

There are some other procedures also like Duodenal Jejunal Bypass. Depending upon the condition and habits of patient, bariatric surgeon decides the procedure. If you are looking for a consultation on bariatric surgery, request a call back at –