How to tighten skin after weight loss surgery?

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  • How to tighten skin after weight loss surgery?

Obesity is a curse, and it has become a global threat. There is not any doubt that bariatric surgery procedures, along with specific lifestyle changes, brings impressive weight loss results. A patient undergoing gastric bypass or gastric sleeve surgery loses 50-60% of the excess weight post-surgery! While bariatric surgery works wonders for your body- there is one more side to it. We can’t call it a side-effect, but a drastic change in body weight naturally leads to changes in your skin.

When the body gains weight- the skin stretches to provide space to the additional fat tissues that accumulate. Since there is a drastic weight loss post-surgery, the skin cannot adapt to such a change, and It remains hanging in the areas where primarily fat tissues were accommodated. But if there is a will, there is a way. It does not mean you have to live with loose skin. Let’s understand it better.

Weight-Loss Surgery and Loose Skin: Cause

Your skin is a highly flexible and adaptable organ, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage. In case of any growth in the body, whether by weight gain, pregnancy, muscle gain, or a growth-your skin stretches to accommodate additional tissues.

Since obese people hold on to this weight throughout their adult life- the collagen and elastin in the skin are damaged. Hindering it to go back to normal. When the weight is lost- the damaged skin does not retract, and then it simply hangs.

Though the amount of loose skin depends on factors such as age, genetics, smoking, amount of weight lost.

How can you tighten the skin?
You don’t have to live with the skin hanging around. After your weight loss surgery, you can go for either of these options:

  • Body contouring is one of the best options. It focuses on generally these areas- abdomen, breast, neck, thighs, upper arms. I thought this isn’t the only option since various surgeries are done on people who have lost drastic weight. Velashape is also one of the medical treatments.
  • When you build muscle mass, it helps in additional tissue growth- and “filling in.” A great way to avoid surgery is to practice resistance exercises. Like bodyweight exercises, resistance bands, weightlifting.

You deserve a more agile, healthy, and fulfilling lifestyle- one that’s free of any such crisis. To know more, call us on- 6232012342 and meet an expert now!