Obesity in Indians: How does Bariatric Surgery help

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  • Obesity in Indians: How does Bariatric Surgery help

Obesity is a chronic health disorder that takes shape from unhealthy eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity, and genetic issues. India has seen a significant rise in morbid obesity, affecting nearly 5% of the population. It has reached an epidemic condition in India, the reason being the easy availability of processed foods and long sitting hours.

While Indians have been trying different methods and lifestyles like Yoga, the Japanese way of living, Keto, Fasting and excessive gym, Bariatric Surgery is one amongst those effective processes to lose weight and get rid of excess fat from the body.

What is Bariatric Surgery?
It involves making some changes to your digestive system so that you eat less and lose weight. The size of your stomach is reduced, which makes a person feel full in less time. It is preferred when diet and exercise don’t work anymore for your weight. For morbidly obese people, when they become so bulky that even their body can’t bear the weight, excess pressure is exerted on their knees that they can’t even walk longer, in that case, bariatric surgery helps.

Weight loss surgery is designed to make changes in the digestion process so that the food absorption doesn’t take place in the usual way. There is a reduction in the number of calories absorbed by the body, due to which the patients lose weight and significantly decrease their risk of developing obesity-related health disorders.

Bariatric Surgery in India
There are a lot of bariatric surgery centres in India providing world-class treatment at affordable prices. These hospitals specialise in a different type of weight-loss surgeries with a high percentage of success rates. However, the expertise and experience of the surgeon are required to perform this highly effective weight loss surgery.

Dr. Mohit Bhandari is a world-renowned bariatric and robotic surgeon who has made records in performing all types of bariatric surgeries. Along with his team, he provides 100% results at affordable rates. People from all over the world come to the centre and take advantage of his years of experience.

If you have any doubts regarding the surgery, call on- 6232012342