Suffering From Obesity? Consult the best Bariatric Surgeon in Mumbai

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  • Suffering From Obesity? Consult the best Bariatric Surgeon in Mumbai

Fun fact! 39% of adults aged above 18 years are overweight, and 13% among them are obese. Being part of the 21st century, where people are becoming lazy day by day due to highly advanced technology, obesity has now become a global epidemic. Obesity is a major cause of poor health and life-threatening health conditions in both, developing and developed countries.

obesity treatment in mumbai

Take the example of India, a developing country with a high level of poverty. Yet, obesity affects a large number of people. India is home to the second highest number of young people who have excess weight. Foods which are high in fat, sugar, and salt, and low in nutrition, are some of the major reasons for obesity among children.

Obesity 101

Obesity is the accumulation of excess fat in the body tissues. In technical terms, when the BMI (Body mass index) is 30 or above, the person can be considered obese.

Facts about obesity in the world:

There are nearly 108 million children and more than 600 million adults with a BMI exceeding 30.

China has 15.3 million children with obesity, and India, 14.4 million

Among adults, the U.S. topped the list with 79.4 million people with obesity, and China came second with 57.3 million people

The prevalence of obesity has doubled since 1980 in more than 70 countries and has increased in most other nations.

Although the prevalence of obesity among children has been lower than adults, the rate of increase in childhood obesity in many countries was greater than that of adults.

What causes obesity?

Although the reason for obesity is primarily excess calorie intake and fat deposition, there can be other factors at play:

Sedentary lifestyle: This kind of obesity is mostly seen in the urban population. People who have limited physical activity and consume high-calorie meals often gain weight due to the unspent calories that get converted into fat.

Genetics: Studies indicate that the chances of a person being overweight increases by 25% if one or both the parents are obese.

Lack of awareness: A major section of the population still lacks basic knowledge about the right nutrition, which is again among the major causes of obesity.

Obesity Treatment in Mumbai:

If you are looking for the best weight loss program in Mumbai or obesity treatment in Mumbai, we at Mohak Bariatrics& Robotics have got you covered. We use the latest technology available to remove excess fat from your body. Being the best obesity surgeon in India, Dr. Mohit Bhandari was one of the first to perform robotic bariatric surgery in India. Our team efficiently diagnoses your issue, and understands your treatment goals, working together to provide trustworthy, safe, and cost-effective surgery programs. With an experience of more than 15 years in Bariatric Surgery, we have become one of the leading obesity centers in the country, doing pioneering work in the field of obesity and obesity surgery.

So, book your appointment or get in touch with our counsellor, call +91-97373-67367. Alternatively, you can send an email to