Coronavirus Disease an Outbreak for People having Obesity

Obese people having BMI over 25 are most important predictors of severe coronavirus illness, according to WHO report. When the whole world is getting infected by the novel coronavirus, there is one segment of people who have a greater chance of getting affected by it. People who are obese, and have a BMI of above 25, are more likely to catch this infection. According to a WHO report, coronavirus can cause severe symptoms and complications in obese people which might result in higher mortality. It is found that obesity is the most significant risk factor, after older age, for being hospitalized with corona virus infection.

Why obese people are at a higher risk for COVID-19?

It has been evident that Obesity contributes to diseases like Type-2 Diabetes, Stroke, Heart-related diseases, Hypertension, and along with that, it affects the respiratory system and causes respiratory disorders like obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS), obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, pulmonary embolism, and aspiration pneumonia. So if any person is severely obese, he might have one of these diseases as well, which can increase the severity of COVID-19 in the patient.

  • It has been observed that the risk of getting complications with obese people is 2 times higher.
  • Obese patients have low immunity as compared to a fit person
  • Males in India are mostly affected with abdominal obesity, which can cause compression of the diaphragm and lungs, can reduce chest capacity.

What are the complications for COVID-19 affected obese patients?

According to a research conducted in New York, obesity is a considerable risk factor for COVID-19 hospitalized patients. The patients who have a BMI of 30 and above are more likely to be admitted in critical care as compared to the patients having a BMI of less than 25.

  1. Breathing Issues – Severe obesity increases the chance of having breathing issues, generally called as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), which is a major symptom of coronavirus disease.
  2. Inflammation – Inflammation is the most common condition with obesity which causes an increase in circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines which may worsen Covid-19 outcomes.
  3. Need for ICU – Obese patients affected by corona virus would require intensive care and intubation.
  4. Diagnostic Imaging – It is challenging to obtain diagnostic imaging as imaging machines have weight limits.
  5. Special Care Equipment – For obese patients, special beds and positioning/transport equipment are required which are not commonly available in hospitals where COVID-19 patients are being admitted.
  6. Mortality – Obesity can be a factor for higher risk of death from Covid-19

How obese people can prevent Coronavirus Infection?

How obese people can prevent Coronavirus Infection

People who are morbidly obese are prone to infections and have low immunity to fight. So here are some of the actions you can take in order to stay safe –

1. Take proper medications for underlying health conditions, as prescribed by your doctor
2. Stay home and maintain social distancing
3. Sanitize frequently
4. Cover your mouth while sneezing
5. Develop a care plan
6. Consult with your doctor or an obesity specialist to keep the existing respiratory condition in control

For more suggestions and consultation, you can contact Dr. Mohit Bhandari who is a renowned Bariatric, Metabolic and Robotic surgeon worldwide and has performed 15000+ obesity surgeries. He is a specialist on this topic. For consultation, obesity helpline – 6232012342