What Are the Health Consequences of Obesity in Adults?

Obesity in India has reached an epidemic proportion in the twenty-first century, with morbid obesity affecting 5% of the population. Generally, obesity is defined as a condition in which a person has an unhealthy amount of body fat or harmful fat distribution. It puts them at risk for various major health problems through multiple mechanisms, some as simple as the mechanical stress of carrying additional pounds and others involving complicated hormonal and metabolic changes. Some of the significant consequences that appear due to obesity in adults are:

High Blood Pressure
With the increase in additional fat tissues, the human body needs more oxygen and nutrients to live and requires blood vessels to circulate more blood to the fat tissue. The arteries narrow down, leading to an increased workload for the heart to pump more blood, sometimes resulting in a heart attack.

The risk of cancer increases with excess weight a person gains. It includes inflammation, higher levels of insulin, and sex hormones. Women risk breast, colon, gallbladder, and uterine cancer, while men are more likely to get colon and prostate cancers.

Type 2 Diabetes
Obesity in India has caused many people to have insulin resistance and an elevation of blood sugar levels resulting in type 2 Diabetes. Moderate weight loss has been proven to prevent or delay the onset of diabetes in persons at high risk.

Joint Pain
The extra fat placed on the muscles and joints leads to an early start of joint pains, making people unable to walk and do their regular activities. Joint Replacement Surgery will also not work because the artificial joints have a higher risk of loosening and causing further damage.

Sleep Apnea
Obesity in adults causes an added amount of weight on the chest wall, squeezing the lungs and resulting in people having problems with breathing for brief periods. They face interruptions in sleep during the day and night and heavy snoring.

People suffer for a long time due to many of these conditions. Obesity, on the other hand, isn’t always a permanent issue. Fortunately, weight loss surgery has a lot of advantages. Not only may Bariatric Surgery help people lose weight, but it can also help them live better lives and lessen the health risks associated with obesity.

Do you also want to lose weight with Bariatric Surgery? Contact us at Mohak Bariatrics and Robotics Indore, today at +91- 62320-12342.

Learn more about why bariatric surgery is the easiest solution to obesity.