Elective Surgery Safety Parameters During COVID-19 Pandemic

After the lockdown was imposed in all over the world, government has declared to stop the elective surgeries till the time COVID-19 goes away. Elective surgeries are those surgeries that doesn’t involve a medical emergency, the procedures that are scheduled in advance and need not to be performed in a hurry. Government agencies suggested a temporary halt in elective surgeries amidst the COVID-19 emergency situation, which Dr. Mohit Bhandari feels is right. According to him, there are two good reasons behind this suggestion given by government agencies-

  • The first and the most important reason is to save the facilities of hospitals for COVID-19 patients who are in an emergency. Facilities like ICU, OPD area, Laboratories, X-ray, CT Scan, Sonography are needed to test the patients and to treat them in the best possible way.
  • The second reason being the patients who are coming for elective surgery from around the world can be coronavirus carriers.

According to Dr. Mohit Bhandari, in order to restart the hospitals for the treatment of elective surgery patients, there are two significant things to be taken care of-

  • We need to make sure that none of the areas, wards, staff or facilities is infected by the coronavirus. The hospital should be in green belt.
  • The patients who come for the elective surgery, and the attendees along with them, should be examined properly for the corona virus before beginning any type of treatment. If the hospital has got that infrastructure, to test every patient and the attendees, then only it can start the elective surgeries. Having said that, the hospital have to make sure one more thing that the treatment of coronavirus patients is not delayed.

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