Tips to Stay Hydrated After Weight Loss Surgery

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  • Tips to Stay Hydrated After Weight Loss Surgery

Staying hydrated throughout the day is essential for everyone, and your top priority in a day should be to drink enough water. This holds especially true for bariatric surgery patients for whom dehydration becomes a reason for hospital stays after the surgery.

Some useful tips to stay hydrated-

  • Carry a water bottle with you at every place.
  • Set an alarm that prompts you to drink.
  • Use an app to keep a track on your fluid intake.
  • Intake of your favourite juice and shakes to stay hydrated.

Drink Responsibly-
The effect that alcohol has on your body, changes after the surgery. Studies have found out that there is an accelerated alcohol absorption, and it takes longer to eliminate alcohol after surgery in both men and women. The calorie content in alcohol is also higher. It should not replace those foods that are needed to heal.
Consuming alcohol should be avoided for at least six months after the surgery. The stomach size gets reduced after the surgery, it gets smaller, and it can’t hold the same volume of alcohol as it used to hold before.

Know the Signs of Dehydration-

  • Feeling thirsty
  • Dizziness or nausea
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Headache
  • Dark, concentrated urine

Drink fluids, but not all-
It is advisable to drink fluids, but should avoid certain beverages like coffee and carbonated drinks for the first three months after the surgery. These type of drinks can cause acidity and upset the stomach, especially when your stomach is still healing. Some drinks like beer and sodas are super high in calories and added sugars, so it may be difficult for them to fit within your daily calorie intakes.

Staying hydrated after bariatric surgery is a lifelong commitment and the key to ensure a patient’s all-new stomach heals properly!

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