How Bariatric Surgery helps in remission of Type 2 Diabetes?

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  • How Bariatric Surgery helps in remission of Type 2 Diabetes?

Reduced capacity to eat
Bariatric Surgery reduces the size of stomach and thus, capacity of eating is reduced to a great extent which results in less amount of glucose entering in stomach at any point of time.

A part of the intestine is bypassed
In some procedures of Bariatric Surgery, a large part of intestine is bypassed and thus, stomach absorbs less amount of glucose and reduces the sugar level.

Hormone Secretion
During the bariatric surgery a hormone called glp-1 is secreted in huge quantity, which deals with insulin resistance of diabetes.

Brain Functioning Alteration
Weight loss surgery curbs the sweet tooth by acting on the brain’s reward system. Sugar cravings are automatically reduced because bariatric surgery prevents sugar absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.

Mohak Bariatrics & Robotics has proudly treated the largest number of Type 2 Diabetic Patients through Bariatric Surgery.