Reasons to travel from Africa to India for a Bariatric Surgery

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  • Reasons to travel from Africa to India for a Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Surgery needs a specialized set up and an experienced team to perform the operation with perfection. Recently a patient from Kenya (East Africa) was admitted at Mohak Bariatrics & Robotics Hospital. His name is Thomas Kwaka or commonly known as Big Ted.
When he was asked a question that – ‘why you traveled from Africa to India for a Bariatric Surgery at Mohak Bariatrics & Robotics’, he answered it beautifully. Check out the reasons below –

  • The first and foremost reason is the expert bariatric surgeon, Dr. Mohit Bhandari who has experience of 6000+ surgeries.
  • Mohak Bariatrics is proud to be working under the guidance of world legend, bariatric surgeon, Dr. Mal Fobi who has done most of the Hollywood bariatric surgeries.
  • Mohak is an opulent and modern Bariatric Centre seeing the magnitude of the centre and the infrastructure; one can be assured of the finest facilities, specially designed for Obese patients.
  • Team Mohak is available to guide you 24×7 regarding queries related to post-operative diet and exercise which need to be followed after the surgery.
  • Indore (India) is having amoderate temperature. The weather is comfortable and pleasant all around the year. One can plan a complete medical tour wherein lot of places could be explored just before and after the surgery for a mental rejuvenation.
  • Mohak is gamut of highly qualified multi-speciality professionals who take 360 degree care of patients.
  • Mohak has good experience of dealing with super obese, complicated and high risk patients with ease.

Thanks Thomas Kwaka for sharing the kind words. We welcome you in the lighter world.

#ShedTheBoundaries drawn on the map and travel to give your body a required transformation.