What is Robotic Bariatric Surgery?

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With the rise in obesity cases worldwide, the field of bariatrics is also seeing innovation in the way it is choosing to treat obesity-ridden patients. One such medical intervention for better, safer and quicker results is robotic bariatric surgery. That is the use of robotics in performing bariatric surgery procedures.

Bariatric Surgery procedures weight loss procedures that are used to alter and restrict the amount of food the stomach can hold, either by malabsorption or both malabsorption and gastric restrictions. To address the challenges a surgeon can face and at the same time to make it convenient for the patient; now bariatrics has seen a revolution where a robotic platform is used to perform the procedure. These include performing sleeve gastrectomy, gastric banding, roux-en-y gastric bypass (RYGB), biliopancreatic diversions with duodenal switch and revisional bariatric procedures.

Many studies on assessing these procedures when done via robotics found out that the complications were minor compared to laparoscopy. And also noted a significant reduction in the operative time. To understand and appreciate the advantages of robotic bariatric surgery, it is essential to highlight that performing surgery on patients with high body mass index is not easy. Large livers, thick abdominal walls, and substantial visceral fats in the body makes the dissection and then the reconstruction more challenging. And along with these challenges to penetrate thicker walls, the number of incisions and the risk of anaesthesia also looms. Robotic bariatric surgery can be an answer to all these challenges.

It provides the surgeons:

  • With a detailed three-dimensional vision while performing the procedure.
  • By reducing the surgeon’s movement and enables fine tissue dissection, thereby increasing the precision.
  • It filters out physiological tremor.
  • It significantly reduces port site trauma by a remote centre technology.

How does robotic bariatric surgery happen?

A surgeon manoeuvres a robot via small incisions in a patient’s abdomen. Using the robot’s four arms, the surgeons make specific movements translated to ultra-fine and precise movements by the robot inside the patient’s body. In this weight-loss surgical procedure, a da Vinci Robotic Surgery System is required.

What are the benefits of robotic bariatric surgery?

  • The recovery is smoother and quicker.
  • There are minimal scarring and pain.
  • Fewer complications for both the patient and the surgeon.
  • Reduces infection rates.
  • Reduced trauma that occurs to the body.
  • The hospital stay is shorter.
  • Near to no rate of gastrointestinal leaks post-surgery.
  • Lower risk of needing a follow-up surgery.
  • Being back to routine is quicker and easier.

What are the different commonly known robotic bariatric surgery procedures?

Robotic Adjustable Gastric Banding: It is one of the oldest robotic bariatric surgery procedures—considered simplest of all. Robots are primarily used in this process to manage complications and revise gastric bands.

Robotic Sleeve Gastrectomy: It is one of the procedures that’s slowly gaining popularity due to technical simplicity, low morbidity, and fantastic outcome.

Robotic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass: It is considered a gold standard surgical procedure by surgeons for morbid obesity. It is an overall suitable procedure for reducing obesity-related comorbidities and weight loss.

What are the critical points for the long-term success of robotic bariatric surgery?

Here are some things that are anyway good for a healthy lifestyle and that you can take care of post-surgery to ensure that you reap the maximum benefits:

  • Eat balanced meals
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day
  • Eat preferably protein first with every meal
  • Exercise a little regularly

Overall, robotic bariatric surgery has helped in overcoming various limitations that otherwise were present in laparoscopic methods. Some might fear the cost of execution, but with experience, the set-up and cost required goes down and the efficiency increases. To understand more about robotic assisted bariatric surgery, call us on – 6232012342.