Childhood Sleep Apnea-Symptoms and Causes

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  • Childhood Sleep Apnea-Symptoms and Causes

Childhood/ Pediatric Sleep Apnea is a condition in which your child experience difficulty in breathing. During sleep, the breathing stops partially or entirely and creates an obstruction. This condition occurs due to narrowing and blockage in the upper airway while you are sleeping.

The most common cause of sleep apnea is obesity. Early diagnosis and treatment of obesity are necessary to prevent any future complications. Undiagnosed sleep apnea during childhood may contribute to day time fatigue and other behavioural problems at school. Also, the children who are found to snore loudly as their parents are very likely to have learning problems. Due to snoring and poor night sleep, they face issues in paying attention in the school and thereby creates a disturbance in the learning process. Cardiovascular problems and delayed growth can also be the result of sleep apnea if not treated and left undiagnosed.


Symptoms and signs of childhood sleep apnea include-
Pause in breathing
Choking or coughing
Breathing through mouth
Sleep terrors
Urination in bed


The most common factor underlying sleep apnea in children is obesity. However, other factors, like enlarged tonsils and adenoids, are also prevalent, but the leading cause remains obesity. Due to the lifestyle of today’s child, wherein he is sitting in front of screen playing games and watching cartoons, obesity doesn’t come as a shocker.

Children nowadays seem to be more interested in playing online and video games rather than going out on a playground and play outdoor games. Physical activity is seen significantly less in our generation—which ultimately results in obesity.


Pediatric/ Childhood sleep apnea can result in severe complications like-
Heart problems
Type-2 diabetes
Behavioural changes
Failure to grow

For any consultations and suggestions regarding obesity and its treatment, you may call on- 6232012342