How are Diabetes and Hypertension linked to COVID-19 Infection

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  • How are Diabetes and Hypertension linked to COVID-19 Infection

China is diabetes’s world capital. Nearly 32% of the COVID-19 cases were diabetic, and 10% of the diabetic patients died within 10 days. Because of diabetes, these patients survived lesser than normal people. According to Dr. Mohit Bhandari, Diabetes not only increased the death rate but also reduced the survival days of patients infected by a coronavirus.

In India, 50-60% of the people who died were diabetic. In European countries, Diabetes is one of the biggest risk factors to catch COVID-19 infection. In America also, 28 percent of people who died were diabetic.

Why diabetic patients are getting affected more by coronavirus?

The bodies of diabetic people can not generate enough white blood cells (WBC) to fight infection. That is why even normal flu affects diabetes patients more. There are some hormones in our body that secretes during infection. In diabetes patients, these hormones are released more, as compared to normal people. That is why diabetic patients are affected the most by COVID-19 infection in the whole world.

According to Dr. Mohit Bhandari, if your diabetes is not under control, and you are obese, then you have higher chances of getting the infection. Consult your doctor and keep your diabetes under control. To avoid the infection, keep a check on your abdominal obesity and Diabetes. Feel free to call on- 6232012342