Hypothyroid and Weight

There is a complex and unexplained relationship between thyroid, weight and metabolism. The hormone thyroid is responsible for regulating metabolism in human. Generally, metabolism is determined by calculating the amount of oxygen used by our body for a specific period. If this measurement is made while at rest, it is known as the basal metabolism rate (BMR). Earlier, the BMR was used to test a person’s thyroid status in the body. Patients who had their thyroid glands not working were found to have low BMR, and those with overactive thyroid glands were found to have high BMRs. However, the BMR technique is outdated and not in use nowadays.

There is also a relationship between weight and hyperthyroidism. You tend to lose weight when you are diagnosed with thyroid, and when the condition is treated, people generally gain weight. Being hyperthyroid means being in an abnormal state, any weight loss that is caused by this abnormal state would not be maintained when the state is reversed. The weight lost is regained after the condition is treated.

One of the most crucial observations is that the use of thyroid hormone in treating obesity is a fail. Because once the treatment is stopped, any weight that is lost is regained after the thyroid treatment is discontinued.

Relationship between hypothyroidism and weight gain?
The BMR in a person having hypothyroidism is decreased, which results in weight gain. Individuals with severe hypothyroidism are more likely to gain excess weight. However, the cause of weight gain in a person having hypothyroid is complex and doesn’t relate to fat accumulation always. Most of the extra weight and fat gained in a hypothyroid patient is due to the accumulation of salt+water.

Can thyroid hormone be used to lose weight?
Thyroid hormone treatment has been used in the past to treat obesity. Studies have proved that the weight loss achieved by thyroid treatment is more significant than dieting alone. However, when the hormone treatment is discontinued, the weight is regained. Other metabolic issues & loss of muscle protein is another setback of thyroid hormone treatment.

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