Can Bariatric Surgery Improve the condition of PCOS?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, commonly known as PCOS, is one of the most common health problems prevailing in Indian women. One in every 5 Indian women (which makes 20% of India’s total women populace) suffers from PCOS. A hormonal disorder, causing dysfunction in ovaries leading to complete infertility in severe cases. Symptoms include either of the two- irregular periods, an excessive male hormone (androgen) in the body, or formation of fluid-filled, pearl-like cysts in the ovary.

The exact cause of PCOS is not yet known. But appropriate treatment accompanied by weight loss can improve the condition more so because obesity and PCOS are related.

While people can shed off weight when propelled towards healthy living and medication, medical experts say it can be challenging for obese patients to keep the weight off despite the efforts. In such a case, bariatric surgery with a few lifestyle changes is the most efficient way out. Here is how bariatric surgery can help PCOS patients:

  • Since PCOS patients show resistance to weight loss, both obesity and PCOS collectively leads to metabolic syndrome. Bariatric surgery leads to significant loss of BMI that resolves metabolic syndrome, which leads to a positive impact on the inflammatory condition of the patient’s body.
  • Insulin resistance in the body is a significant factor in menstrual dysfunctions. PCOS patients have high insulin resistance. Bariatric surgery can alleviate the condition and lead to a full resolution. Post-surgery studies show a correction in ovulation and menstrual cycle in PCOS patients.
  • Excessive insulin in the body also stimulates the secretion of male hormones, called androgen, leading to conditions such as Hirsutism. Since bariatric surgery resolves insulin resistance, it also normalizes androgen secretion.
  • Studies show that most women have a complete restoration of a regular menstrual cycle. And many of them were able to become pregnant by normal conception methods.

If you find yourself suffering from PCOS, contact us. Firstly you can Know your BMI and talk to an expert at- 6232012342.