How obesity contributes to colon cancer risk?

According to researchers report, obesity can increase the risk of colon cancer. People who are morbidly obese, have greater chances of developing the risk of colon cancer. Weight-loss surgery becomes a great option in reducing the risk of this deadly disease. Bariatric Surgery is not only meant for weight-loss, it helps in getting rid of other diseases as well. The results after the surgery are generally long lasting and therefore decreases the risk of future cancer.

Doctors generally use a person’s Body Mass Index (BMI) to decide the need of surgery. BMI is a ratio of weight to height of a person, if the BMI is over 25 then the person is considered as overweight. And if it goes over 30, the person is obese. If it’s higher than 34.9, a person comes under morbidly obese category. You can assess your BMI by your own or get it assessed by a physician.

The mediator between obesity and colon cancer is insulin. Being an obese person, your body resists to insulin and can cause type-2 diabetes. The risk of colon cancer increases when a patient is diagnosed with type-2 diabetes. All the diseases are linked to each other, and obesity is the root cause of every disease.

Weight-gain and cancer risk-

  • Increased insulin level contributes to the growth of cancer.
  • Chronic, low level inflammation disorders that arises in obese people, which is the cause of cancer
  • Fat tissues produce high level of estrogen that drives the development of cancer
  • Fat tissues may also trigger processes that may develop cancer cells.

Weight management tips-

  • Include more vegetables, protein, fruits and whole grains in your diet.
  • Drink soups in dinner as it helps in shedding weight and makes a person feel full at the same time.
  • Avoid beverages and foods that contain high amount of added sugar in them.
  • Do some kind of physical activity daily, and burn as much calories as it is required.
  • Go for bariatric surgery, as it is the best method to lose weight and get rid of any serious disease related to obesity.

Bariatric Surgery is an ideal option to get rid of obesity. It gives permanent and long-lasting results. It’s an effective solution for all those people who are either obese or have some co-morbidities which can be improved with bariatric surgery. Call for consultation- 6232012342