Expectations after Weight Loss Surgery

If you are expecting only the weight loss side of a weight loss surgery, then probably you lack some information. Significant weight loss is the obvious part; there are several other benefits too. Almost all people who have undergone bariatric or weight loss surgery, say that apart from losing weight, their quality of life has improved too. They feel much lighter, happier and confident after the surgery.

Let’s take you through the complementary benefits that come along with the drastic weight loss-

Type-2 diabetes
The surgery is not said to be a cure for type-2 diabetes, but 7 out of 10 people experience long term remission in the disease and fewer medications required to live healthily.

Pressure on the knees
Excess weight puts pressure on your knees and makes it difficult to walk around and move freely. After weight loss surgery, the extra weight in the body is lost, and the problem of moving around goes away.

Obesity makes it hard to find clothes that fit you perfectly. Oversized garments are the only option left that becomes an open invitation to harsh comments and body shaming in public. Confidence is restored after weight loss surgery, and every clothing fits you perfectly.

Difficulty in breathing
The extra fat stored around your neck makes it difficult to breathe properly, causes snoring, and you never get a sound sleep. You can expect smooth breathing after weight loss surgery as the excess fat is removed.

Lifestyle changes
In bariatric surgery, the size of your stomach is reduced, and therefore you tend to eat less. You feel full in less time, due to which your body feels much relaxed and lighter. It is recommended to do physical exercise and follow a healthy diet routine after the surgery, to maintain the right weight in the body.

Bariatric Surgery or weight loss surgery is not a miracle, but surely a life changer!
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