On World Health Day join the revolution for the declaration of Obesity as a disease

Today is World Health Day and this year World Health Organisation is emphasizing on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) means that all people and communities receive the health services they need without suffering financial hardship.

India has 7.5 crores obese population with five crores of morbidly obese. India has 8 crores of type 2 diabetics, and 25% of them are morbidly obese. And also country’s 9.5% adolescent population is overweight and 5% is obese. This population gets converted to adult morbidly obese in future and causes problems like cardiac disease. And from years this big portion of population is suffering through financial hardship for going through bariatric surgery, as government consider obesity as a cosmetic disorder rather than a disease.

So here on World Health Day, Mohak Bariatrics & Robotics as a concerned health care institution appeals everyone to write an open letter to file a petition to the Union Health & Family Welfare Minister to declare obesity as a disease and a non-cosmetic problem so that it will help insurers to bring bariatric surgery under its ambit.

If you all will share this on your social channels and make this message viral than it might help in taking the cause to the next level. Do this for the people around you, do this for the family members or do this for yourself. This is the time when obesity should be considered as a serious disease as it is engulfing the whole population of the nation.
If not now then when…