How Bariatric Surgery Improves Reproductive Health

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Obesity with a BMI of 40 or more has been known to disturb normal hormone levels, affecting reproductive characteristics and processes. It can disrupt women’s hormonal balance, altering their menstrual cycle and fertility consequences. Obesity causes a decrease in sperm production and an increase in slow swimming sperm in men, lowering male fertility.

Bariatric surgery, which can be classified as an adjustable gastric band, sleeve gastrectomy, or gastric bypass, is the most effective way to treat morbid obesity. Compared to progressive weight loss over time, quick weight loss following bariatric surgery has an instantaneous influence on sex hormone balance and sexual functions like sperm count in males and pregnancy in females.

Bariatric Surgery and Female Reproductive Health

Obesity may have a significant impact on female fertility through a variety of processes. Obese women may experience anovulation and infertility due to a dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis. It can also affect women’s rates of spontaneous and assisted conception and their chances of miscarriage, premature labour, stillbirth, prenatal risks, and menstrual irregularity.

It has been proposed that losing weight improves reproductive outcomes by improving fertility, menstrual irregularity, and ovulation. Bariatric surgery is regarded as the most effective treatment option for obesity and its complications by enhancing the secretion of coupling hormones. As a result, treating obesity should be the priority in obese women before considering ovulation-induction medicines or assisted reproductive procedures.

Bariatric Surgery and Male Reproductive Health

The level of testosterone in males reduces as their body weight rises. Compared to obese guys, healthy men with average body weight are known to have a high sperm count. The layers of fat tissue in the thigh and groyne areas of obese men increase the temperature of the testicles. Obese men have low testosterone levels, and excessive oestrogen levels negatively impact sperm quantity and quality.

Obese men’s fertility is harmed by this hormonal imbalance, which reduces sperm production. Several other factors are linked to fertility, either directly or indirectly. Changes in sleep patterns, semen characteristics, and other factors are among them. The good news is that attempting to lose weight can assist obese/overweight fellows overcome their fertility issues.

If you also suffer from any fertility problems due to obesity, consult Mohak Bariatrics and Robotics on +9162320-12342 today.

Learn more about Why Does Obesity Cause Infertility In Males And Females?