How Bariatric Surgery Works in India

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  • How Bariatric Surgery Works in India

Weight-loss surgery works via two means: limitation and malabsorption. A weight-loss surgeon in India decreases the volume of a patient’s stomach, limiting the quantity of food they can consume and altering the digestive tract to reduce the number of calories absorbed from digested meals.

Some approaches by the weight-loss surgeons in India only strive to decrease the size of the stomach, some reduce the length of the digestive tract, while some procedures perform a combination of both. For example, weight-loss surgery results in drastic weight loss in a short time.

Bariatric surgery also has the potential to influence intestine hormones in such a manner that it decreases hunger, thereby stimulating satiety and slowing the digestion of ingested food. Some studies suggest that weight-loss surgery resets the metabolism allowing patients to maintain their new weight better.

This change, combined with the required food regimen and lifestyle modifications, makes patients much more successful with the long-time period of weight loss than those who follow diet and exercise.

Benefits Of Weight-Loss Surgery

According to scientific studies, surgery for weight loss reduces the risk of death related to many diseases, including heart disease (40% lower), diabetes (92% lower), and cancer (60% lower) are also significantly reduced. Comparing the risks of surgery to the benefits makes the decision for surgery much more accessible.

It was discovered that people who underwent bariatric surgery had a 32.7% drop in depression at the time of surgery and a 16.5% drop six to twelve months after surgery. The substantial and sustained weight loss after bariatric surgery relieves the stress on joints and usually allows people to stop using medications and enjoy much more mobility.

One study informed that the risk of miscarriage declined after bariatric surgery and could improve the menstrual cycle in women who don’t ovulate.

Another study declared that the weight loss achieved from the surgery could help prevent the risk of death associated with hypertension and myocardial infarction. Blood pressure and cholesterol levels can return to normal after surgery, decreasing the risks and improving overall well-being.

Click here to know more about bariatric surgery lifestyle changes.

Talk to us if you are seeking bariatric surgery and how you can be on your way to a healthy lifestyle. Give us a call at +9162320-12342 to know more.