How Does Obesity Affect Covid-19 Vaccine Immunity?

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  • How Does Obesity Affect Covid-19 Vaccine Immunity?

The covid-19 pandemic has threatened the world, concerning the global populace about its recovery and long-term impact on immunity. While the medical world is constantly fighting the virus that has been hovering over us for more than a year now, it is undeniable that the other health concerns can worsen the effect of Covid-19 and reduce vaccine efficiency. One such health concern is the obesity epidemic. It has been a global crisis and combined with the ongoing pandemic, it can prove fatal and deadly.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention lists obesity as a significant risk factor for severe Covid Illness, hospitalization and death. An August 2020 study in the Obesity Reviews found that:

  • People who are obese had around 46% more risk of Covid Infection
  • Are 113% more likely to get hospitalized with the infection
  • There is a 74% more chance that Covid Illness will lead to death.

While many of us are sure of these adverse impacts of obesity, most of us wonder about its effect on vaccine efficiency. Let’s understand this better by looking at things more closely.

Obesity, Immunity and Vaccination:

Medical professionals say that the fat that sits around the abdomen and the organs lowers the body’s resistance towards fighting infections and generating antibodies by vaccines. Some studies say that fats hinder nutrients that the immune system needs to carry out its task.

Some medical professional explains that since obesity causes chronic low-grade inflammation in the body. This generates higher immune-regulating proteins in obese people, called cytokines. These can damage the essential and healthy tissues in some cases of severe Covid-19 cases. The infection can also linger five days longer in people who are obese, implying that these people face a more challenging time clearing the infection.

Obese people also have fewer microbes in the nose, guts and lungs with altered metabolic functions. These can further change the immune responses to vaccines. Until now, vaccines made for Influenza, Hepatitis B, and Rabies have shown reduced reactions in obese individuals compared to those who are lean. While some still believe that it is just a hypothesis, obesity does not significantly affect vaccine response in obese individuals.

Nonetheless, boosting your chance of having an effective immune response and avoiding unneeded complications is to start working on obesity. Procedures such as bariatric surgery with specific lifestyle changes have proven to be the most effective against obesity. To understand more about taking that first step, contact us on 6232012342.