How Obesity affects High BP and Remedies

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  • How Obesity affects High BP and Remedies

High blood pressure is a major contributor to heart disease, stroke, kidney failure and heart failures. Normally, a blood pressure of 130/80 and above is considered to be a high BP. Less than 80 and between 120-129 is considered to be elevated BP which indicates that you may develop a problem of high BP in future. And you should start making lifestyle changes in order to reduce the risk.

How is BP related to weight?
Your blood pressure may rise with the increase in your body weight. There is a positive relationship between obesity and hypertension. According to a study conducted on the topic, it was found that the prevalence of hypertension is twice in obese as compared to a non-obese.

How to prevent high BP?

You can prevent the occurrence of high blood pressure or hypertension in your body by-

  • Exercising– Exercising or doing any kind of physical activity daily is necessary to maintain a healthy weight and keep the high BP away. Regular exercise combined with a healthy diet helps in lowering the BP levels and thus keep you away from chronic diseases as well.
  • Avoiding sugar– Sugary foods are the biggest contributor of fat in the body. Try to avoid beverages and foods that contain added sugar. Check the ingredients before use. It’s not necessary to completely avoid the sugar, but taking it in moderate amount will definitely help.
  • Drinking alcohol in moderation– If you are a drinker, drink in moderation. Too much of alcohol can lead you towards weight gain and thus high BP.
  • Taking a healthy diet– Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Consume the foods that are rich in fibres. Some of the foods include beans, peas, chick peas, sprouts, dry fruits and whole grain pasta. Tip- (Never skip your breakfast.)
  • Weight loss surgery– If you are a morbid obese with a number of medical issues like type-2 diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea or heart diseases, then exercise and diet may not help. For patients having a BMI greater than 35, weight loss surgery is the only and perfect option to lose weight and lead a healthier and long life.

The surgery reduces size of your stomach and therefore you eat lesser and feel full in lesser time. Weight loss surgery is the solution to get rid of hypertension and other co-morbidities. For any consultation, call on- 6232012342