How to prepare your mind for Bariatric Surgery?

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  • How to prepare your mind for Bariatric Surgery?


It is found that obese people experience social disconnect and loneliness. Being obese can be the cause of stress, depression and psychological disorders. Besides all these factors there are many other influences of obesity on personal and professional life.

Bariatric surgery is a medical procedure for weight loss. But not every obese individual is prepared for the surgery, though its outcomes are very fruitful.

The mental and emotional preparation varies from patient to patient. A preoperative evaluation of the psychological condition of the patient is utmost important, to know whether there is any fear in the mind of patient regarding the surgery. The mental preparation to undergo the surgery and willingness to take post surgery care is a positive signal, it ensures a happy pre and post surgery period.

The following methods can help a patient to prepare mentally for the surgery:

  • Talk openly to your bariatric surgeon and clarify any doubts that you may have in your mind about the medical procedure. He will tell you about the actual procedure and medical risks and complications involved.
  • Join a support group where you can meet people who are in a similar situation. Learning about their struggle against illness will boost your morale.
  • Talk about your worries with family and friends. They may not provide any medical guidance but still may soothe your soul and ease your fears.
  • Research about the bariatric procedure for weight loss over the internet and through books and try to gain information. The more you know about it, the less you are afraid of it. It will also help in eradicating myths that may surround you.
  • Talk to your dietician about the diet you must take before the surgery, so that the surgery goes smooth and has promising outcomes.
  • You can also consult a psychologist who can support you throughout the weight loss journey.
  • You can start writing about your experience, this includes your goals, expectations, and your dreams for the future after the bariatric surgery.