The Importance of a Bariatric Dietitian

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  • The Importance of a Bariatric Dietitian

Since the role of a Bariatric dietitian is quite similar to that of a regular dietitian, their importance is often overlooked. In reality, a Bariatric dietitian is a core piece in the weight loss puzzle.

They assist the ‘pleasingly plump’ by designing an apt weight loss surgery plan. While adhering to all procedures, they help the clients in sticking to it.

Since their work is almost parallel to that of a surgeon or physician, Bariatric dietitians tend to work at hospitals and clinics. This gives them first-hand information about the patient. They document all aspects of a patient’s weight loss journey.

Primarily, a Bariatric dietitian keeps check of the patient’s pre and post-surgery lifestyle. Weight loss being a sensitive transition, Bariatric dietitians are responsible for:

1. Discuss with the doctor the extent of problems to customize the diet chart per se.
2. Figure out the disproportion in the patient’s diet.
3. Guide patients with the proper diet to take pre and post-surgery.
4. Assist them in planning and organizing the pre-surgery diet.
5. Explain the importance of a pre-surgery diet and how long to continue it.
6. Teach patients about the post-surgery dietary plan and its stages.
7. Help to customise the diet as per nutritional intakes as prescribed by the doctor.
8. Provide psychological assistance to the patients.
9. Document the patient’s progress as well as relapse.
10. Conduct post-operative counsellings.
11. Modify the post-surgery diet as per the patient’s likes and dislikes, doctor recommendations, allergies, diet chart, and so on.
12. Do a follow-up of your weight loss surgery for the contracted duration thereon.

A Bariatric dietitian, therefore, discharges valuable service to patients. Eric Roth’s words perfectly describe their work as:

“It’s never too early, not too late to work towards the healthiest you.”