What is Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric Surgery has taken the world by storm. Though it has fallen prey to much scrutiny in the past, what many don’t know is that Bariatric Surgery isn’t just a new ‘fad’, but has, in fact, proven to be life-saving for a number of people who were heading towards oblivion, due to the numerous fatal conditions that severe obesity can cause. Though a majority of people have heard of the term ‘Bariatric Surgery’, not everyone knows exactly what the procedure entails. Here is what you should know about Bariatric Surgery.

What is Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric Surgery is an umbrella term that constitutes a number of procedures designed to make changes to the stomach and digestive system, which limit the number of food consumed, as well as the nutrients absorbed by the body, and subsequently, the number of calories absorbed. Bariatric Surgery is conducted mainly when proper dieting and regular exercise have failed to result in weight loss or the excess weight is causing life-threatening health issues, such as heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and more.

Advantages of Bariatric Surgery

There are numerous Bariatric Surgery benefits, depending on the purpose of the treatment.

  • Prevents or keeps in control conditions such as Type 2 diabetes problem, asthma, heart disease, acid reflux, among others.
  • Treats issues such as lower back pain, stress urinary incontinence(SUI), degenerative disk disease, etc.
  • Results in faster weight loss than diet and exercise
  • Enhances quality of life and increases life expectancy
  • Controls food intake, and can also help in treating Binge-eating disorders

What is the procedure for Bariatric Surgery?

Though the exact process depends on the type of Bariatric Surgery you opt for, the overall procedure is quite standardized.

  • Preparation: Your surgeon conducts various preliminary tests and gives you a list of dietary and lifestyle precautions to take before the surgery. You may also be required to stop any tobacco use prior to the procedure.
  • Procedure: Most Bariatric surgeries require general anesthesia to be administered. Depending on the type of surgery, the procedure is either performed surgically with incisions or Laparoscopically, which is minimally-invasive.
  • Recovery: After the procedure, you will be monitored closely to ensure a smooth initial recovery. After a 3-5 day stay in the hospital, the doctor discharges you when satisfied with the outcome and rate of recovery. Make sure to follow the strict diet mentioned by your doctor, in order for a easy and smooth recovery.

Cost of Bariatric Surgery

The Bariatric Surgery cost in Mumbai, India, depends on the exact procedure to be performed. Your surgeon initially conducts a thorough medical examination and recommends the best procedure that bests suits your medical condition, as well as the desired outcome of the treatment.

Bariatric Surgery is indeed among the best obesity treatments in Mumbai, India, that helps in averting and keeping at bay a majority of conditions that could otherwise prove to be life-threatening and drastically minimize the patient’s quality of life. Dr. Mohit Bhandari is the leading Bariatric surgeon in Mumbai, having achieved incredible success with conducting Bariatric Surgery for numerous patients across the world. His skill and expertise make him one of your best options to get a consultation and battle obesity the right way.