Know the Type-2 Diabetes, Symptoms and its Treatment

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  • Know the Type-2 Diabetes, Symptoms and its Treatment

Type-2 diabetes is a lifelong disease that prevents the body from utilizing insulin in the way it should normally do. It’s a very common type of diabetes that affects mostly middle-aged and older people. But it can also affect people who are severely obese and their body mass index (BMI) is between 28 and 40. Obese people are more likely to suffer from type-2 diabetes, especially if they carry those extra pounds around their waist.

Symptoms of type-2 diabetes

Generally, the symptoms of type-2 diabetes are mild that a person suffering from it wouldn’t notice it for long. Symptoms include-

  • Peeing a lot
  • Blurry vision
  • Being cranky
  • Numbness in hands and feet
  • Fatigue
  • Hunger
  • Frequent Yeast infections
  • Wounds that don’t heal
  • Dry mouth

Treatment of type-2 diabetes-

Weight loss– As mentioned above, obesity can be one of the causes of type-2 diabetes so weight-loss becomes one of the solutions to treat diabetes. Dropping those extra pounds can help you in treating diabetes, you can lose weight by following regular exercise and taking a healthy balanced diet. One of the most effective ways of losing weight is bariatric surgery which is a weight loss surgery method to treat obesity in a faster and effective way.

Watch your blood sugar levels– Keeping an eye on your blood sugar levels can help in treating type-2 diabetes, especially if you’re on insulin.

Exercise– Any kind of physical activity is important to maintain a healthy weight and a healthy body. This can include swimming, walking, weight training, cycling to anything that gets your heart pumping for 40-60 minutes. Yoga is also a very good option that gives long-lasting results and also good for mental peace.

Avoid sedentary lifestyle– Sitting at one place for a long time increases the risk of developing fat around your waist area, which is ultimately a cause of type-2 diabetes. Avoid sitting still for long periods, try to get up after every 30 minutes and move your body, stretch yourself and walk a little.

Metabolic surgery– The majority of people who go for metabolic surgery recover only a few days after getting the procedure, before any weight loss has actually occurred. It is intended to address type-2 diabetes patients, who fail to cure this by following proper exercise and lifestyle changes.

Type-2 diabetes has no cure as of now, its a lifelong disease. But following a healthy lifestyle can prevent any type of illness, sticking to a routine is important. If you have any doubts regarding metabolic surgery or type-2 diabetes, call for consultation- 6232012342