Manoj Chandarana Weight Loss Transformation Story

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  • Manoj Chandarana Weight Loss Transformation Story

Mohit Chandarana, a victim of obesity, joyfully shares his story of transformation from 90kgs to 72 kgs in 3 months due to bariatric surgery. He explains that his body was fine, but his stomach outgrew to a point where he quickly felt tired, could not walk, and suffered from excessive knee pain. Also, he could not wear what he wanted and do what he wished.

Once he decided to resolve this problem, that’s when things turned around. He came across Mohak Bariatrics and Robotics over the internet and decided to get a bariatric surgery done by Dr Mohit Bhandari. He exclaims! that today- he walks 4 km every morning, has no body pain, no breathlessness, and all his tests are normal. “I feel very lightweight, I feel perfect, and my confidence and body language say that I have secured my coming 25 years.”

He rates Mohak Bariatric and Robotics as a 5-star facility hospital with the most politely spoken staff who treated him as their own family. He came to the hospital from Vardha to Indore with his wife but later felt that he could have managed it all alone with such heartwarming hospitality.

He says that he is in awe of the staff. He was not trouble for anything. Instead, he didn’t come to know when he got admitted, enrolled. Even before paying, he was receiving the treatment. “Everything happened before time. Out of all my hospital experiences, this is my best. I recommend my friends who want to get the procedure done to be in no other place but here.”

Chandarana extended his gratitude to Dr Mohit Bhandari, keeping him next to god and securing his life for at least 25 years.