Mohak Bariatrics and Robotics Performs the Miracle Weight Loss of Little Zoya

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  • Mohak Bariatrics and Robotics Performs the Miracle Weight Loss of Little Zoya

Giving Hope with New Life

The youngest to undergo bariatric surgery for the second time, 8-year old Zoya Khan was smiling as she was wheeled into surgery because she was about to get a new life and hope. Zoya gained weight again after her first surgery and became 37.9 kg, almost 15 kg more than other children of her age, when her parents decided on the second surgery.

The second surgery was performed at MPCT Hospital, Mumbai by India’s one of the best bariatric surgeon Dr. Mohit Bhandari, also the Director of Mohak Bariatrics & Robotics Centre.

Mohak Bariatrics and Robotics Performs the Miracle Weight Loss of Little Zoya


In November 2011, Zoya underwent the first sleeve gastrectomy, which involved reducing the size of the stomach and stapling it. She was only 11 months old then and weighed 19 kg. After an initial weight loss, she continued to gain weight because of her uncontrollable eating.

Zoya’s diet consisted of tea and biscuits twice a day, daal, rice, vegetables and chapati four times a day. Her rice consumption during each serving would be like an adult. In between the meals, Zoya would eat chips, biscuits, chocolates and ice cream.


After the revision surgery, which involves further reducing the size of the stomach and putting a non-adjustable silicon ring around it so that it does not expand, Zoya lost 7.6 kg in just 20 days and is now learning to walk. According to Dr. Mohit Bhandari, Zoya could have developed active chest infections, severe sleep apnea and would have become completely immobile and unable to walk later if there had been a delay in performing revision surgery.

Dr. Bhandari says, “Zoya will lose another 7-10 kg gradually over next 3-6 months and will be able to walk normally and go to school soon.

Zoya is currently walking for the first time with the help of a walker and taking a liquid diet involving juices, soups, milk, and pureed food.


Little Zoya was also suffering from sleep apnea due to her obesity issues, which has now successfully disappeared after the revision surgery. She doesn’t snore anymore and neither does she wake up due to breathlessness.


Mohak Bariatrics & Robotics started a new year by giving new life with new hope to little Zoya and living up to the motto of “Spreading Smiles”. To learn more about the bariatric surgeries or book an appointment, please visit