Obesity – The biggest threat to India

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  • Obesity – The biggest threat to India

The increasing rates of obesity in India seem daunting. On top of it, the ignorant nature of people towards the disease, sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise and junk food further contribute to the growth. Speaking of facts, amongst the top ten countries where obese people are found in large numbers, India is the one. In this scenario, before understanding how big the obesity problem is, we should first bring our attention to how rapidly obesity rates have grown in India. In 1975, there were 4 lakh morbidly obese males in India, which touched 98 lakhs in 2014. While there were 2 crores morbidly obese women by 2014. The statistics speak of how dangerous obesity has become.

However, India is not the only country where obesity rates are sky-high. China is actually ahead of us in the race. As the countries are developing, sitting hours is also increasing, and people barely get time to workout. Due to this, more fat is getting deposited around their bellies. With the development happening in countries, there is a development seen in people’s waist size also.

However, Obesity is not the culprit, but it is the thinking that sees obese people as indifferent. If you can’t change the thinking, change yourself. India needs to bring a change, which is only possible with the help of adapting the right lifestyle and bariatric surgery. Dr Mohit Bhandari has been successfully treating obese patients and is the youngest and most experienced bariatric surgeon in the Asia Pacific who has performed 15000+ bariatric surgeries.

If you are not able to lose weight through diet, exercise, and medicines, you should go for weight loss surgery as it’s the only way we can bid goodbye to this obesity threat from India. Know your BMI and talk to an expert at- 6232012342.